Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Hurricane season starts...3 weeks early!

The first storm of the year Andrea has arrived;only, its 3 weeks early. Normally, the storm season starts on the 1st of June. That's bad news for forstfires in Florida. News reports on CNN say that the storm is going to make it more diffcult for firefighters in Florida to sustain fires becuase the once they sustain a fire, the wind is going blow it a mile away and start another fire! Florida is really having it bad this year with the long drought, the endless forestfires all over Florida and I think it was just yesterday that there was a huge fire in the forest close to the Zoo in LA. That's really awful and the forest fires which are caused by the droughts are all a factor of climate change as we know it. I'm just nervous about this year, and how hurricanes this year will turn out to be especially since it's only getting warmer & warmer & that means even more intensity in hurricanes :O!